Friday, November 11, 2011

Engineer's Birthday with Engineers D:

This was a birthday dinner treat for HangKok at Xian Ding Wei with fellow noob engineers.

Doris from Agilent + Wen Tee from Intel

Ying Jia from IDT + Fong from FairChild Semiconductor

Michael from Kobe Precision Tech + Birthday Guy

..and finally ..of course it's me! 

Alright now let the food photos fill up this blog post...that was something made by pork intestine

Deep fried crispy squid~ 

Soup of the day tastes so good - It was cooked with dried long bean according to what the waitress said.

Something 'fishy'  =D

I'm not sure what it is but it looks pretty much like tempura.

Ok let's wrap it up...happy birthday to Hang Kok and may all your wishes come true..but sorry no birthday cake for you this time *evil grin*

New Toy

Weee...showing off my new toy samsung NX11. It's a mirrorless interchangeable lens camera with a integrated APS-C cmos sensor. No more worry about noisy & blurry photos during low light condition.. yay!

People are so fuss over my choice of camera but I don't give a damn! I know what suits my preference best.
NX11 is an excellent camera!