Saturday, October 23, 2010

1st Interview

This is a little story about my first ever interview for a job. What to say? I may say that it was a below average performance. I can't say that I did not do my preparation a night before. I did do my revision on a few technical stuff about engineering. But what I have ignore is the detail about the company. The interviewer just keep asking me what I know about their company, their products, the job in the industry, what is my responsibility as an engineer, what do I expect from their company, How do you relate your academic results with the job you may going to get, what's the job scope of production engineer...etc. For someone who are experienced, those questions are definitely just a piece of cake. However, a newbie like me and it was a first interview...those questions are real tough for me!

I'm pretty worry abt remaining jobless until the end of the year. So I guess I simply have to step my game up for the next interview. Good luck to myself!!


Charmaine Chai said...

cheer~ everything will be fine~
learn form the lesson~

♥ jacqueline ♥ said...

no worries!!!good luck

♥Me♥ said...

goodluck :D